Monday, October 4, 2010

Good Lookin' Old Dudes

It is said that men age more gracefully than women, but from the looks of most of the guys my age now, you would think that they are the ones that gave birth to their kids.  But there are some men that just get better; not just better looking neccissarily, as they age, just... better.  They have a casualness about them that most younger men don't have.  They have a certain confidence, and eyes that sparkle with the wisdom of experiences that have molded them into something different, and more durable, without breaking them.  They know what they want, and combined with steadfast good looks like this, they can have it. 

Sam Elliot

Richard Gere

Robert Downy Jr.

Alec Baldwin

Gary Oldman

George Clooney

Harrison Ford

John Travolta

And here are some rockers that are still looking good.  I like to think they're not aging, but "curing", from all the alchohol.

Billy Idol

John Sykes

Blackie Lawless
(I just saw him in concert this year, he looked great)

And last, but not least, cheers to the old dude that I saw at a local watering hole a week ago, who was a lean 6'4" with a full head of longish, healthy gray hair, with that 'run your hands through it' style like Sam Elliot's.  He was leaning on the bar with a devil may care smirk, looking at me, drinking beer straight from a plastic pitcher with one hand. 
That was the first time I ever looked at an older man in real life and thought, 'damn, he's still hot somehow'.