Friday, December 24, 2010

Fast And Rare Memories

When the chemistry is that good, that awesome, it is possible to make a million little memories in the span of a few weeks. 

My favorites are seeing him standing there inch by inch in my driveway, as the garage door was going up.  The morning we spent in bed and he laid his head on my tummy for what seemed like an hour.  The amazing, drunken kiss in my living room when he was leaving to take his best friend home.  The day we went riding and he tried to fix the helmet for me and then told me that he promised he would get one that worked for me, and he did.  The night we went out on the town, then went to my house and just laid in bed and he said 'I had sooo much fun tonight', and we both knew we were a force to be reckoned with.  When he called me to make sure my doors were locked before I went to bed.  The night at his house that we just talked and talked.  Every time we practiced living in the present together.  That was the night that I truly felt like I might be able to truly have my man know my soul, and me know his, and be my best friend in this crazy old world. 

There is so much more to do, to experience, to know, to feel.

Damn the gods for testing me, to see if I can learn patience and wisdom.  They never let up.  Damn them!