So I went to the chiropractor a couple of weeks ago, and he asked me out, and he was actually cute and very assertive about asking me out (which makes it all the more flattering), so I said yes. He called me and I didn't have a chance to call him back because I was out with my girls and in loud places, etc. I vowed to call him back the next day. However, the next day he called me again, which is great (again, I was flattered, this guy seemed to seriously be taken with me, as he actually stated), so I answered and proceeded to apologize for not calling back yet, as I was not able to talk the day before. Then, this man, that I had met, only once, for a brief few minutes, in a professional medical environment mind you, said "you are a bad girl and you need to be spanked!". After a long moment of silence on my part, after the shock of what this stranger had just said to me began to sink in, I said "Uh... you don't know me well enough to say something like that to me...". Then, he said "Oooo, she doesn't like that!". Another few moments of silence... I believe I said in disbelief "Are you kidding me? I have to go. Bye bye now.".
So then I got to thinking, this guy is giving me all the signs that he just needs to get laid really, really badly, in a very untactful way, and that's all he wants. And since a "doctor" of some sort, is on my bucket list, and I also needed to get laid really, really badly, I slept with him. It was... uh... enthusiastic. But then two days later, he proceeded to get completely peeved because I wouldn't go out with him again, even though I thought we both got exactly what we wanted and expected. And women are confusing? This one still baffles me.
A local rocker friend of mine who had slept with every hot girl within a fifty mile radius told me many years ago, when I was 19 years old, 'Kelly, women come off, exactly how they want to be treated. Remember that'. I never forgot it. If I knew I came off, as a first impression to a guy, as a drunken idiot, I could never blame them for only trying to get into my pants without courting me for a month before hand. Hey, what did I expect, right? Not that they ever got what they wanted (I was a firm believer in not sleeping with my guy friends, plus, I was usually in a relationship back then), but I had to take some responsibility for acting like an idiot. Well, this same rule can be applied to men. You come off how you want to be treated by a woman. Inappropriate, arrogant, silly, or classy, assertive and smart? Remember it.
So, now I need a new chiropractor.