So I went on this date the other night with a guy that had lots of great potential, except for one thing that gals my age (ugh), know is a huge red flag. He was 40 years old and had never been married. Can I get over it, I thought? Sure, we all have our reasons for things, whatever. Well the evening was going fine enough, until he said to me "I think you are too good for me". So, I'm sitting there staring at this guy blankly, and the wheels are turning in my head trying to translate this guy speak. Of course, my first translation is 'okay, he's not interested. okay'. But then he proceeded to tell me that he usually dates 'barbie dolls'. I had to laugh inside, because that is what I've been called my whole life whenever my hair is blonde (minus the fake boobs). So, I said, 'okay, is that what you are looking for?' thinking now, 'why am I here?'. He explained that he didn't know why that was the case, but that was his history and that now he was looking for something more, someone with... a brain. Okay, good. I understand this. I've been known myself, in the past to date the biggest dumb guy I could find, as long as he could get it up on command. In fact, there were several that I had actually wished were mute. Anyway, then he asked me a question that I've never been asked on a first date before. He said 'what's the wildest thing you've ever done?'. I looked at him as if he had just stepped off of a spaceship. That's when the southern came out and I looked at him and said 'Honey, you're out of your mind if you think I'm gonna tell you that on this here, first date'. But that's when I realized, the correct translation for the previous, 'you're too good for me' statement. He meant, literally! Like, you are actually 'too good' as in 'you have morals' (which is debatable at times), as in 'you're going to wear eyeshadow that is appropriately applied and wear clothes that actually fit you'. I think he could have just said 'I can't really see your cleavage, so this really isn't going to work for me'. So, this was a first. Too "bad" for some, "too good" for others. Damned if you date, damned if you don't.