If one more guy asks me if I have condoms, I'm going to freak out. Here's the deal. It's your dick, not mine. I don't know what size your little friend is. It's your responsibility to make sure he has the proper attire for entry if you're going to take him out and introduce him to people. If and when I've had condoms, they've been either to too big, too small, too thick, whatever. I don't get this. Do we girls ask men if they've "got any birth control pills" before we get it on? No. Listen, we know that you don't like condoms, we don't either, but it's just something that we have to deal with, isn't it? I thought we had all gotten this through our heads in the ninties, during the 'Safe Sex' and 'No Glove, No Love' ad campaigns. Be a big boy and figure it out... for fuck's sake!