I hereby declare that the days of letting a man that you have "slept" with, actually sleep with you, are over. That is, of course, unless you really like him and want to see him again. Otherwise, he's gotta go! I hear it from my girlfriends time and time again. Oh, I didn't get any sleep last night because I finally had sex with so and so. Why? Because unlike most men, we cannot sleep soundly with a man in our bed that we don't want to cook breakfast for. (Passing out doesn't count).

But women and men alike, feel obligated to let someone sleep in our beds. Where is this obligation coming from? Is it just a social standard that we have come to accept and no longer question? Why is it so hard for us to nicely and respectfully say to each other, "okay, I'll talk to you soon, goodbye". The other side of the coin here is the ideal situation, where you wake up next to someone that you are really excited about and would love to spend the whole next day in bed with. Alas, those people are a rare gift, with the makings of a real love, aren't they? And so, for that person that we know that we just want to have sex with, we really don't want them sleeping in our beds, because that privilege should be saved for someone special, in my humble opinion.
My best friend once told me that her grandmother used to say to her "your bed is your best friend", when she was a little girl. I guess we never grow out of some things.