If you are single, you can clearly and usually instantly see if you are attracted to someone or not. However, men have a very unfair advantage in this area. A man can see if a girls body is going to work for him sexually or not over her clothing. Over clothing, he can get a pretty good idea of breast size, waist size, ass and on down the line. And if he talks to her, and gets a couple of drinks into her, he can probably even, generally size up, how the sex is going to be. But for us girls, we can only "size" men up to a certain point. We can say that we like what we hear, we like what we see... so far. Wanting to know if his wang is going to work for us is like a plague of the mind. Some women want an average size, some women don't mind smaller (as long as he's a good lover), and some women want the big one. It's like a Christmas present underneath of the tree that you have no idea what it is, and you don't know how much longer you can take it just laying there in front of you, waiting to be opened.
A hundred guys can walk by us, and we never know which one has the junk that fits just right. Is it the tall guy? the well-built guy? the short guy? the unsuspecting, shy guy? the outgoing, confident guy? The smart, unassuming guy? It is the ultimate mystery of the male species... and it's not fucking fair!