Monday, January 10, 2011

From Insecurity To Reason

Me:  If you were dating a girl, and she asked "are you my man?" when she was out, and you said "yes", and she said "so I can tell all these other mother fuckers 'hell no', right?", what would you say?

Wise Friend:  I would just smile and say 'sure'.  I would think it was funny.  Why?

Me:  Cause I just had a guy blow a gasket over it.

Wise Friend:  And what was his reason?  Did he blow a gasket over your statement, or because guys were hitting on you?

Me:  Both.  I asked the question because I wanted to know where we stood and how he would react if I was getting attention. 

Wise Friend:  Yeah, I know, but why did he pop?

Me:  That's what I don't know.

Wise Friend:  Rhett doesn't have a bad temper my dear.

Me:  He hit on a girl right in front of me in retaliation.

Wise Friend:  Ask him to explain it.  You must be able to have communication, or forget it.  Maybe he thought you were playing a game with him.

Me:  Yes, I'm sure he thought I was playing a game with him, which I kind of was because I thought that we were at a point in our relationship, and adoration of each other that we could have fun like that, where he would say "that's right baby, you're mine now!"  Was I wrong?

Wise Friend:  No, you were totally correct.  Remember what I told you before, it is how people react that shows their character.

What I didn't tell my wise friend was how evil this guy was to me in detail...  He's the kind of guy that likes to break good women and destroy their hopes and spirit.  He almost destroyed his ex.  He will not destroy me.