Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Killing Words

"Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud..."  This is one of the only bible verses that stuck with me over all of the years of my christian upbringing.  My mother used to tell me "Kelly, be very, very careful what you say, because once it comes out of your mouth, it's hard to take it back".  She told me that when she was a teenager, she said something terrible to her father, and that to this day, over forty years later, she still feels regret and deep sadness about it.  Words are powerful naked weapons that can permanently scar relationships and tear apart the people that we love the most. 

"...one of the highest leading causes of death in many countries is suicide. The strange thing is that in so many of these cases, it is a direct result of 'merely' verbal bullying. This seems like an incredible development until you consider the way words can harm and demean us." 

"Words can hurt us in the most profound and lasting ways. They influence the way we look at the world and act as the primary means of communication between people. When words are used as weapons, the victim is attacked in a very real way. For example, words can be used to invalidate a person's most basic values and identity." 

"Yet, if words can hurt, they also have the capacity to heal and bring joy to everyone. Every word is like a prayer for either good or ill. It is up to the individual to use them with due wisdom and restraint." (by Rahman Majere  http://www.helium.com/items/2015598-how-words-hurt).

Love is sacred and rare.  Be kind and loving to your man/ woman.  Be understanding.  Even when you don't feel like it.  You'll be glad you were, in the long run.