Here's a funny "bad boy" story. I was traveling with some friends and we went bar hopping and ended up at a place where we were doing shots at a little jukebox type place. And of course, I sniffed out the cute guy that had most certainly ridden a motorcycle there and kept putting money into the juke box to play heavy metal. I then unlocked a storage trunk in my head filled with all of the Metal Edge magazines that I had ever read during high school and proceeded to impress him with my vast and profound knowledge of head banging classics, complete with names of guitar players, their song-writing abilities and their unique playing styles, impressive only to this species of male. So later back at the hotel we were fooling around and my selected 'bad boy' took off his shirt, whilst on top of me, and there it was. Suddenly, two inches from my face, was a tattoo of a black, inverted pentagram that covered this guys chest from nipple to nipple, and reached almost to his belly button. I was so completely shocked that I found myself paralyzed with my mouth hanging open in disbelief as his nipple rings just hung there all sparkly, decorating this huge, offensive tattoo like a christmas tree. I think if he had been further away from me I would have been able to laugh out loud, but it was so in my face, all I could do was mumble 'what the fuck is that?'. That's when he proudly told me the story of getting said tattoo and how he felt that it completely represented his awesomeness.
That's when I grabbed him by the top of the head and shoved him down, and said 'this is all your gonna get, enjoy it, because I can't stare at that thing'. Then I wished him lots of luck, he was young yet, and I left. Every time I think of that night, I chuckle. That's what I get!