When I was married my husband followed the Pittsburgh Steelers football team. Being supportive of our men, we girls usually follow suite. So, I became a Steelers fan, out on the sidelines of our relationship, for eleven years. I never felt like it was an experience that my husband could actually share with me. He claimed it, it was his, and I just didn't seem to understand how he could spend a solid eight hours in front of the television.
Then when I had a boyfriend, after my divorce, who was a fan of yet, the same team, it was totally and completely, 100% different. He was proud to include me in his experience. He bought me a pink jersey, and pink hats and made it a fun "date" whenever we watched a game, even if it was just at home, and just the two of us. I started to like football for the first time in my life! I enjoyed hosting parties at our house. I bought a football shaped crock-pot for Christ's sake, football napkins, plates and all that girl shit. I was excited! My ex-husband would not have believed it.
The moral of this story is that we want to enjoy what you enjoy. Buy us pink sparkly shit to help us do it.
Picture courtesy of www.onthefield.com