Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Bad Boys & Bad Girls: We Always Come Out On Top

When it comes to bad boys and bad girls, well take it from me, it takes one to know one.  The dynamic between bad boys and bad girls always reminds me of an old Stevie Nicks song called The Highwayman:

"Alas, he was the highway man, the one that comes and goes. 
And only the highway woman, keeps up with the likes of those. 
And she, in all her magic, with hands as quick as light,
Took him to be a challenge, and went into the night". 

Here's a great article about "the likes of us", by Steve Santagati, author of The MANual.

Take the rudimentary elements of bad boys and bad girls and apply them to anything in life and you will see that we come out on top more often than we loose [no one wins 100% of the time].

As being bad refers to:


Bad Boys and Girls play by our own set of rules with dignity and grace. The outcome is romance, passion, and excitement. When we reach a time and are ready to settle into a monogamous relationship we are more capable and prepared to be loyal than 95% of the men or women who claim to not be "bad" and who want marriage and kids. Do you understand that analogy? I mean, bad boys and girls are FREE to get other mates and you would think that temptation would be overwhelming but we choose to be loyal because we're satisfied and have sewn our oats BEFORE we declared our loyalty to another. Many of the people who are hell bent on marriage are living a lie and would be more likely to stray when the "matrimonial / delusional veil" is finally lifted. A bad boy or bad girl in a solid relationship is unfettered. You get it? This is a high.


BBs and BGs are the social organizers, the ring leaders, yet they prefer to travel solo. We are magnets for people who want to live vicariously through our adventures or who are trying to "dethrone" us. It can be a lot of work being "bad". Women and men are jealous, that simple. However, being bad means we get to walk into a social setting and own the room, feel in control in our environment, and skim the cream off the event. BBs and BGs socialize well. This is a high.


This can be a low. BBs and BGs often spend nights and days alone because we don't settle for mediocrity in the mates we choose or the friends we maintain. After all, the more you are aware of in life, the smarter you are, the more lonely and isolated you can feel. The world, or so it seems, is monopolized by people who have bought into the "package deal", people who are clueless and BBs and BGs find it extremely difficult to relate to these folks. Fair warning, people who think marriage and children are a fool proof way to secure companionship in their twilight years are often sorely mistaken.
When I was in my hay day of being "bad" [ in my late 20's] I woke most days with the excitement of an explorer embarking on a new adventure. I was figuring out women [by dating tons of them], having fun, winning and losing in love, and smiling all the while. I would play practical jokes, laugh, sing, get drunk, make out, travel, cry, do stupid and dangerous things, and sleep like a baby. That spirit is still coursing through my veins and being"bad" is not a conscience effort, it's second nature . The smallest challenge will make it ignite and I take no prisoners. I'm not suggesting that everyone can be a full blown bad boy or bad girl but there is definitely some ingredients you could take out of our methodology to improve your life. So, can you break a bad boy? Does a Zebra change it's stripes? No, you will not break a bad boy or bad girl nor would you want to but BBs and BGs do fall in love and they give you the very best of who they are if you're the right woman. You will NEVER feel more loved if you are with a true bad boy or bad girl.

By Steve Santagati