So St. Paddy's Day is smack dab in the middle of the week this year, but I still can't help being excited about it. It's in my blood. As my friend Ken would say "it's the Irish New Year!". And there will be no Irish Car Bombs for me this year (see blog post: Blackout Drinking). I'm actually looking forward to laying my head on my pillow at the end of the evening this year, and not fearing the hangover of the next day, not to mention all of the people I would have pissed off. As an update, I've been going out with friends as per usual, and doing well with not drinking too much, and I feel good about it. No, I feel great about it. After the previously documented Blackout Drinking episode, I remember a boyfriend saying to me "Yeah, you do fine as long as you don't drink too much around single guys", and I thought to myself "Are you kidding? I don't need to be drinking like that ever again in my life, around anyone!". I think my chugging days are finally over, but never my love of St. Paddy's Day traditions. Bring on the celtic music, corned beef, potatoes and brown bread... and a few beers!