Hi, I'm Kelly, and this is a blog about men, women and relationships. I would like to thank the following people for making this blog possible: All of my ex's for giving me plenty of material to write about. To my daddy, for being a bad-ass. In the words of Ted Nugent "I'd rather have a hard-ass for a father, than a dishrag". And to my strong momma and girlfriends for never settling for less than they deserve.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Too Drunk To Fuck
Thursday, November 19, 2009
An Epiphany
I realized the other night that a woman's strength does not always come from her sexual prowess, some times it comes from her ability to be vulnerable at the right times, which is so much harder.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Wine me, dine me, but do not 69 me...
Let's talk about sexual trends some more. The 69. I would like to know if people are still doing this. I hear guys talk about it, but, are they actually doing it?
For the past almost twenty years (ouch) I have seen sexual positions come (no pun intended) and go, and yet this position still seems very "eighties" to me. Maybe I just have attention deficit disorder, but if a guy pulls this out of his sexual repitoire, I start having flashbacks of Whitesnake and spandex. Is it just me?
Monday, October 26, 2009
The Scent Of A Man
According to Dr. Herz, "women actually find how a man smells to be the most important factor in their sexual attraction". That's trumping power and money! Which explains why I've observed that, in the course of a conversation between me and my girlfriends, if one of us talks about a guy and doesn't say "oh my God, he smells soo good", I know that he's not going to be a real keeper. So basically, if a man's immune system doesn't jive with ours, then we will not be attracted to his individual scent. My translation to this would be, if you don't want to bottle his natural scent, then you'll be kicking him out of your bed sooner than later.
As I read this article by Dr. Herz, I was amazed and validated to find out the true biological importance of this part of sexual attraction for women. "In two large studies we conducted to examine how important various physical and social status factors were for men and women when choosing a sexual partner, we discovered that above all other physical characteristics, women ranked a man's scent as the most important feature for determining whether she would be sexually interested in him. How a man smelled was also much more important than any social status factor. And of all physical characteristics women preferred a man to the "better than average" in his body odor than anything else. Women also found men who smelled great due to the fragrance they wore irresistible. In the words of one respondent: "If I'm with a guy who smells really good, nothing else about him seems to matter."
Additionally, if a guys natural scent is wonderful, then when we go out, and he puts a nice cologne over that wonderful, natural scent, it's just that much hotter. And if we are grabbing your pillow to hold and smell after you're gone... it might just be love.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Someone told me recently that I seem to be living life with no regrets, and I thought of an old movie called The Last Unicorn, that I used to watch when I was a girl. A wizard turns the last unicorn into a beautiful young woman to protect her from being hunted, and in this shell of a female body she must face the evils of the world. At the end she says "I am no longer like the others, for no unicorn was ever born who could regret, but now I do. I regret.".
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Thigh High Season
Monday, October 19, 2009
Girlfriends & Guys
My girlfriends and I know about each others pain, joy, families, broken hearts, moments of bliss, happiness, sadness, and inquire about each other's well being just about every day. A lot of times I joke about being a guy, however, in this aspect of my life, I'm so happy and proud to be a woman.
And of course, when something happens with a guy in our lives, each of us knows about it. If I ever even contemplate getting serious with a guy, he knows that it's a package deal. He has to win over my girlfriends first and foremost to really be in 'the club', and not just a passing novelty.
Today, in particular, I confided to my best friend about a guy that has been in and out of my life for a couple of years now, and cannot deal with his emotions in any sort of heathly manner whatsoever. Somewhere in the time line of his life, he learned that having strong emotions is weak. I feel sad for him, yet cannot help him in this journey of emotional growth/ maturity that he must go through. When he recently contacted me to finally tell me something about his feelings, after a year of silence, I felt rather tender towards him, and wanted to help him through his feelings because I've always cared for him. Then my girlfriend said "Oh Jesus Kelly, I want off of this ride and I want my money back! He wasn't there for you in your time of emotional need, why should you be there for his?!" And she is so very right! As women, our first instinct is to comfort those that we care about, but, for example, as most parents know, this is not always the right thing to do. It is one of the most difficult challenges that we, as women face, to allow someone we care about, to hurt, and leave them alone. However, over and over again, I see men do it, so easily, it seems.
I think that all of our brains are like houses. Each emotion has a room, and men seem to just be able to walk out of the room and shut the door. As women, we find ourselves trapped in the room, with the door locked from the outside, not able to get out, until everything in the room is in order first. In other words, dealing with our emotions first, then going on about our lives secondly, but with new found wisdom of what we have dealt with. And sometimes, right when we find ourselves able to walk out of that room and leave it behind, a man will just then be reopening the same door, to the same room, in his own house.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Sons Of Anarchy

Wednesday, September 16, 2009
A Girl's Bed Is Her Best Friend

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
The Reconciliation Fantasy of Love Addiction

Monday, September 14, 2009
Goodbye To A One In A Million

Sunday, September 13, 2009
Football Weekends

Football season is officially upon us again. All one has to know, to find out how important this sport is to American culture, is to hear the words of the late John Heisman, "it is better to have died a small boy, than to fumble this football".
So make fire, eat, drink and be merry this day. Have a great Sunday everyone!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Monday, September 7, 2009
Fantasy Football

Thursday, September 3, 2009
Betty Swallows

Which leads me to several questions. Firstly, how important is swallowing? Secondly, do sexual fetishes come and go like fashion trends? Oh God, am I old enough to have seen them go out of style and come back already? Lastly, who is named Betty these days?
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Speaking Of Dick

The Mystery of Men

Sunday, August 30, 2009
Love Addiction & Love Avoidance: The Dance

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Raining Men

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
The Guy Who Doesn't Drink

Every now and again my girlfriends and I run across a nice man, who wants to take one of us out, but he doesn't drink, aka: The Guy Who Doesn't Drink.
Now, I've always said "never trust someone who can't go out and have a couple of beers and be done with it". However, for some women, this may not be an issue, and in fact, I hear tell, that it is actually a plus for some. Of course, I can assure you, that for my two best friends and me, it is most certainly not okay. Unless all three of us need a designated driver and he makes pick up's and deliveries at no cost, with a smile and has the patience of a saint and possibly ear plugs.
But admittedly, I've gone out with The Guy Who Doesn't Drink, because, what wouldn't I do for the possibility of a good story to tell? However, I'm setting aside my own stories for today, because the ones with the non-drinkers are simply not that exciting, and I have recently decided to spare any more of them from the misery of knowing me. I finally stopped thinking that I would be able to get them to drink using psychological trickery, or by them simply seeing how jolly it made me.
Anyway, my girlfriend Katy recently went out with a very cute guy who did not drink. Katy drinks vodka like I drink beer. Now Katy is no sloppy drunk. She can slam her little pink drinks down like a pro and stand up fully erect in her little pink heels all night and be no worse for the wear. She is never embarrassing, only more and more funny as the night goes on, as the vodka slowly begs her to verbalize everything that pops into her mind. Now this nice young man proceeded to tell Katy that he has a sister who has 'special needs' and that his best friend is also 'mentally challenged', and that he is a bit sensitive to the use of the word 'retarded'. Katy then proceeded to tell him how much she hates the "retarded kid" that lives down the street from her because he keeps moving her fucking potted plants around.
Then, so as not to look too kind and gentle, The Guy Who Doesn't Drink proceeded to ask Katy if she liked "ink", then rolled up his dress shirt sleeves and showed her his flame tattoos around his wrists, and that he's got a lot more where that came from. Katy tells him that she hates tattoos and that his "wrist flames" look like clown cuffs.
At this point, our cute and sweet Guy That Doesn't Drink is so taken with our adorable little Katy's blatant honesty and matter-of-fact smiling, that he quickly asked her out on another date to which she calls me immediately afterwards and says "I dunno, he doesn't drink"!
Fun Date #3
Oh, and Busch Gardens is really good for that too, with all of its caves, when it's not too hot. Yay for kissing "cute boys"!

Fun Date #2

Fun Date #1

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
In Love With A Dick... Literally

Sunday, August 9, 2009
Turning Into A Dude

Alas, there wasn't, and instead of nurturing my poor friend, I proceeded to tell her how shitty it is being single in this town and how I would rather be sitting at home right now in sweat pants watching Comedy Central and UFC in tandem, smoking a bowl and drinking six beers for the price of the one in my hand. She was not amused with me.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Don't Jiz In My Hairdo!

On behalf of women everywhere, I would like to say: aim down, and don't jiz in our hair-do's! With that being said, it's not wise to piss someone off who has your junk in their hands. You've been warned.
Bad Boys

Thursday, August 6, 2009
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Power Outfits

'Power Outfits' are one of my favorite subjects, because every woman has one. Whether it's the Cowgirl, Cheerleader, Cat Suit or Catholic School Girl outfit, they mean business when it comes to catching the man that she wants. This outfit is so vital to the feminine wardrobe and once a woman finds the outfit that is hers to claim... a man's resistance is futile.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Could It Be... Satan?!

Monday, August 3, 2009
Risk And Heartache

One of my favorite poems by W.H. Auden goes
"The nightingales are sobbing in the orchard's of our mother's. And heart's that we broke, long ago, have long been breaking others"
Ah, heartache, I know you well. My heart has been broken so many times, I think that if I could see it, it probably looks like crackled glass. Why? I ask myself over and over. Why have I been attracted to emotionally unavailable men, that are so much like my father, when I know better. Isn't the realization of the problem supposed to be the catalyst of fixing it? Isn't realizing that the habits of our pasts, that haven't served us, supposed to spur us on to change? Is this Freudian fate, so ingrained in my psyche that even after knowing that it will hurt me, I still can't break the cycle? Like an addict that relapses, I find myself drawn to the ones that are a challenge. Even though I'm fully aware that these men will never, ever change, does my subconscious feed on that longing that maybe they will? So, I say to myself 'I will not do this anymore, I'm done with bad boys, I want to be attracted to the ones that are emotionally healthy'. So I give them a chance, at the risk of hurting them, because I want so much to break the cycle and to fall madly in love with one of the good ones. I fear breaking them though, so I tread very lightly. But no matter how lightly handled, the heart is a delicate thing when it's open.
But it's the only way to live life. To be open and to love and live with the risk.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Tour Dating

Thursday, July 30, 2009
Dating For Dinner

picture courtesy of: www.outfitinspirations.com
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
To Tattoo Or Not To Tattoo

Monday, July 27, 2009
For Fuck's Sake

Friday, July 24, 2009
A Medical Breakdown

Thursday, July 23, 2009
A Girl's Ego
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Good Girl, Bad Girl