Saturday, February 27, 2010

Men In Kilts

Only a very confident man (of Celtic ancestry), can pull off wearing a kilt.  What is it about men in kilts?  They're kind of bad boys, aren't they?  They are rough and tumble gentlemen, with a respect for tradition, or maybe just a keen fashion sense.  I've seen them in traditional dress, with tailcoats, and then I've seen them all rocked out as well, and, if it's put together right, the thought that runs through my head is "this is GOOD". 

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

'Blackout Drinking' Found To Be Bad For Relationships

"I am a victim of my own choices, for my my fears gain strength through the energy that I waste on them"  -Acolyte.  "The self-fulfilling prophecy, how often this can be true, particularly with relationships. An insecurity or fear that something bad will happen can make people behave in such a way that it almost sure to happen."

I have often said that I am my own worst enemy it seems.  I'm a driven, goal-oriented person that gets anything done that I set my mind too, but sometimes, cannot seem to get out of my own way.  I've been very proud of myself lately for not hitting the bottle when I've been depressed or lonely, however it seems that depression isn't the only enemy to watch out for, to trigger over-indulging.  An ongoing sense of low self esteem can also lead to what I now refer to as "Blackout Drinking".  Taking my goals and dreams, and shattering them in the course of a few hours.  It's time to get to another level of soul-searching and figure out why I am sabotaging my own happiness with alcohol.  I'll be reading 'Cries From The Abyss'

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Final Remains Of Innocence

Restless sleep
t-shirt and panties
you're pulling my hair
and biting at me
obsessed with my lips
you are power and gentleness
intertwined like a creeping vine
growing around me and
I am tangled in passion
submitting to my soft


Monday, February 15, 2010

Cooking Is Sexy: Heartbreak Cake

Nigella, the original Domestic Goddess, wields her vuluptuous, well-fed, figure and feminine whiles in the kitchen, reminding us that Cooking Is Sexy!

...and theraputic...  here's a recipe for Heartbreak Cake, for those in need:

Sexual Point Of No Return

As much as most of us wouldn't like to admit it, we all carry our ex's, or our ex-relationships, around with us everywhere we go.  We're all someone's left-over's.  All of us are a product of our last relationship, and all of the one's that came before that.  Each of us takes the good and the bad of our experiences and either wraps them up nicely to give to the next person in a proud package of what we have become, or slides them under our shirts trying to uselessly to hide them, and to forget. We take some traits, expressions, and interests, and make them our own, and others we reject, and refuse to ever have in our lives again.  But the fact remains that every relationship that we are in, every new person that we come to know well, affects us, and makes us who we are today: the good and the bad.  So, if we, in our adventures in dating, meet someone that we have the best sex of our lives with, are we then a bit ruined for all others?  If we come across someone who pushes our sexual limits to places that we dared to go, and it was the best we ever had, are we then, forever cursed when that person is no longer in our life, and others are intimidated by our newfound sexual appetite?  Is it possible to experiment too much?  To reach a point where fantasy has turned into a reality that cannot be duplicated?  Is it possible to reach a Sexual Point Of No Return, where our new partner will never really be able to fulfill our deepest sexual desires?

Photo source:

Love Languages

This little test is really great!  It's very brief, and worth the few minutes to take.  It's helpful to compare results, and helps guide the way towards understanding each other better, which leads to true intimacy. 

Five Love Languages of Gary Chapman is at

Saturday, February 6, 2010

The Sixteen Commandments of Poon

This is good and juicy enough to post.  This guy had me until he said not to apologize to your woman.  Why would any of us let someone, even a family member, into our lives, that isn't able to apologize?  However, I do have to say that a lot of what's here is right on, when trying to capture the attention of a woman and earn her love.  Read The Sixteen Commandments of Poon here: