Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Cultural Differences

I feel more at home in towns throughout the true south.  The men treat all women as ladies, until a woman proves otherwise.  It is normal and right to see a man take his lady by the arm and walk down the street with her, not walk ahead of her like she's invisible, and then turn around to tell her to hurry up!  Women of the true south are lovely, fresh and kind because they are treasured and cared for, and in turn they care for their men.  In the south, it's this kind of wierd juxtaposition where women are worshipped, yet subtley kept in their place.  It's not in your face, and we call it tradition.  I read somewhere that southern women are one of our countries "best kept secrets".  I'll take a little patronizing with sunshine and smiles, over gray skies, attitude and being treated like a goddamn slave any day!