Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I'm The Idiot After All

Funny how life turns on you.  Dating in your thirties can be so much fun, and then, it can be a freakin' punch in the left tit.  Of the many challenges of being an intentionally childless woman, dating my thirties, I have to say that the most frightening of all of them is not the children that everyone seems to have, it's not the bad dates, it's not the weight gain and the men's hair loss, it's wondering "where did the money go?".  From as many dates as I've been on, I can tell you from asking men, exactly where it went: it went to the ex-girlfriend/ ex-wife/ baby-momma.  It's not the goddamned economy, it's not the lack of work; it's from some Succubus that bled them dry of every dollar they ever earned and saved because she felt owed something.  Several men have told me that they didn't want to fight about things, so they just gave all of their shit to an ex-girlfriend/ wife/ baby momma, as they sit in their newly rented house with no sofa's and no bedroom furniture.  (All that stayed in the marital, or original house, of course).  Of course this isn't always the case, my very own best friend got taken to the cleaners by her man who claimed disability upon their divorce.  And not all ex-wives are greedy terrors either, however, from my experience, I'm afraid it's more the norm, than not. 

Being the girls that are dating these newly single men, in the here and now, as they are starting over we think 'awe, poor thing', and then we think 'what the hell, why would you do that to your self?!'.  This behavior may seem valiant or amicable at the time, but I can assure you, that it makes a man less marketable to the next woman they date when we see that they can be taken advantage of so easily.  We, the possible future girlfriends, that hold our own, see that we are getting the guy that now seems to be all used up.

So, let's recap, shall we?  In dating in our thirties, the other party is expecting us to half-raise children that are not of our bellies or heritage, to see the child support checks of half the income going out to women who don't need the money for half of anything, because daddy takes care of their needs when they're with him anyway. 

I like to day dream of how Baby Momma is possibly spending that "extra cash" that she gets in the mail once a week, and in that day dream, I am her, with my loving children at my feet.  Does she buy herself a little vacation with her new boyfriend while baby daddy and his new girlfriend watch the kids?  Does she go get herself a day spa treatment?  Ahhh.  Must be nice.  Bless her heart.  All for being irresponsibly fertile.  Well played! 

I used to think I was smart for getting as far as I had without going to a four-year college and getting my 'Mrs. Degree', or getting to my thirties without getting pregnant before I was ready, but now I realize:  I'M THE IDIOT.  Baby Momma made out like a band-it, with the check, and with the social sympathy of an abused puppy, while women like me are getting the financial left-over's.