Sunday, May 16, 2010

Get What You've Always Gotten

Anne Morrow Lindbergh said "Only in growth, reform and change, paradoxically enough, is true security to be found".

I recently met a man who was a big, bad-ass looking Alpha.  "Yes Kelly, this is your regular round-up", you say?  "Why yes it usually is", I say, however, as this man talked to me, I realized that he was one of the most enlightened people that I've ever met.  I felt like I was talking to a Therapist, instead of a Firefighter.  He said things like " we show up in relationships", and "...we need to be aware of the shadows that we cast".  I couldn't believe it, I was so freaking shocked.  The look on my face must have been priceless.  This guy just totally 'up'd the anty' for all Bad Boys!  Oh my God, now there is no excuse for big, tough guys to not be emotionally available and communicative!  Then he said one of the wisest things that I've ever heard anyone say, much less a Bad Boy.  He said "You know, some people just don't know how to change the channel of their own television of life.  They just can't find another show to watch".  And, as my momma says, if you can't do that, "then you will get what you've always gotten".

He went on to say "The problem with relationships is that no one wants to give up their toy first.  We act like children".  He put analogies to so many of the things that I've been trying to incorporate into my own life.  I've been saying to myself over and over, "Kelly, do you want to be right, or do you want to be happy?".  So, I'm learning to give up my toys...