Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sex For Real People

Dear Men,

Porn sex is for porn stars.  It is not for creating true intimacy and most of the time it will not induce the mind blowing orgasms that your girl is looking for.  It never ceases to amaze me how easily you guys can forget that most female porn stars are ACTRESSES!  Hello!  I'm sending out the memo now.

So what does give real women mind blowing orgasms?  Making your woman relaxed and getting intimately connected first... then comes the porn sex, sprinkled in here and there quite nicely.  All women that I've ever asked about this, have all said that they've had the best sex of their lives when they've really liked or loved the guy.  However being in love isn't the case all of the time, and what if you're not sure if she likes you as much as you like her, then what do you do?  Well, your challenge is still, to get her to relax and to feel close to you.  This does not mean that she has to be in love with you, nor you with her.  There is such a thing as feeling close and intimate, without being in love.  Honestly, the relaxation part is the most important, because if you're with a girl, and she can't relax, her mind won't allow her body to get there, because she doesn't feel comfortable with you yet.  And with that, you can throw out your best ninja skills, and it won't make a damn difference if all she can think about is whether or not you really think the mole on her tummy is sexy.  Sex is in a woman's mind first my darlings!  Get the mind right, and the body will follow.

I'm not saying there can't be the occasional exception, and I'm not talking about all women.  Some women do indeed have vaginal orgasms with just any man.  But if you have any sexual experience, you certainly know that that is not the norm.

From a woman's point of view, getting close to someone mentally and emotionally on some level is key, and then, when a man gets to know her body, one day, it all just comes together, so to speak.  For a woman, that is mind-blowing.  You both want it all the time when that switch is flipped.  I know, I know, you want it all the time now, but when your girl wants it as much as you, you know it makes you hotter.  We look at the guy we are dating totally differently after that, because he was patiently able to draw out of us, what was lying deep inside.  We look at him with more respect and caring after that.  So if you're only into having porn-style sex with women, go be a porn-star.
