Monday, March 22, 2010

Crush #1

Ah, we never forget our first crush, do we? Mine was Bo Duke. He was so hot, yet was innocent enough to not really know it. He was tall, helpful, humble and had the cutest butt. He was breaking the law, but in a very Robin Hood-ish way, for the good of the people an' all. The people of Hazard that is (where I actually do have "people" by the way). I would sit six inches from our television and watch the Dukes religiously, when my mother announced one evening "I believe Kelly has a crush on Bo Duke"! Well I most certainly did. In fact, I think I still have a crush on Bo Duke. I did name my favorite.. well nevermind.  Have you seen the man lately?  John Schneider is still hot!  Damn, I had good taste even when I was seven years old!  Who was your first crush?