Sunday, March 14, 2010

Team Couple's

I have loved watching the cooking show 'Down Home With The Neely's'.  This couple is a great example of what a loving "team couple" looks like.  They absolutely adore each other, flirt with each other, and work together as a team.  This is the kind of couple that makes everyone want to throw-up, I know, but the difference here is that they have stood the test of time.  They've been married for fifteen years, but you would think that their relationship is still new.  My friends, this is hope!  It's possible!  They get along with each other's families, and share the same core values and goals.  Do they fight?  Of course they do, but clearly they have conflict-resolution in a healthy way, and keep on trucking.  You can see it in their faces, this is not just a content couple, they are joyous.  I'm sure the fabulous food that they cook together helps, but I'm sorry, you just can't fake joy.  Check out this two minute video of them in action if you can stand it: